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Go to HomepageReel Number: 220540-05
Color: Black and White
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1954,1950s
Country: India,Japan,Russia,USA,USSR
Location: Moscow United Nations,Tokyo,Washington , DC,West Berlin
TC Begins: 15:48:24
TC Ends: 16:03:07
Duration: 00:14:43
1954 - Colour, Cold War, USA: Government Film on USIA Card 1 of 2 VOA / Voice of America announcers in various languages. Turning globe w/ title. 15:48:57 Eisenhower Presidential press conference, newsreel cameramen & cameras. CU reporters taking notes; hands typing on court typewriter. Reporters hurry out of room - journalists on telephones in kiosks. 15:49:40 Taxi to curb & man hurries into United States Information Agency building. Interiors, workers into offices. Sign above door of Director Theodore C. Streibert’s office; Streibert on telephone SOF & at meeting. 15:50:50 Radio broadcasting room - man at console. Newspaper press room, reporters at typewriters. Editing 35mm film on moviolas. Tilt down USIA building in Washington, DC & people entering. 15:51:36 Citizens committee meeting w/ Streibert who explains to visitors (SOF) the work of USIS & how it works in the “life or death struggle between Communism & Democracy”. 15:53:05 Charts explain how communist propaganda is spread: Red Square parade w/ Khrushchev & leaders on podium. Montage Communist meetings / demonstrations & parades throughout the world. 15:53:43 Bulganin & Khrushchev visiting India - off plane & greeted, cheering crowds. Russian forms of propaganda - piles of film cans, pamphlets & books. 15:54:20 Exhibition of Soviet industry machinery operating. 15:54:32 In USIA office Streibert continues talking to visitors explains how USIA thru USIA is working to promote peace thru Democracy; as an example shows an Atomic Power for Peace campaign leaflet. 15:55:40 08Dec53 LS Eisenhower addresses United Nations (SOF) re atoms for peace. Speech continues over shots of radio control room, clocks showing different countries time zones; dials; radio announcers broadcasting in various languages. People listening to radios. 15:56:48 Press service sending out text of Presidents speech: men at type writers, teletypes. Film cutting / editing rooms. American Embassies. 15:57:36 Tokyo - USIS Public Affairs Officer w/ US Ambassador in office. CU PAO; MS in meeting w/ staff. 15:58:21 Preparation of publications in Washington, DC; CUs of books, pamphlets in various languages. 15:59:00 USIA - United States Information Agency library in Brazil, people reading - hand holds USIA pamphlet on Atomic Power for Peace 15:59:16 Designers at drawing boards designing Atoms for peace exhibits. Construction work on model nuclear reactor. Exhibits world wide: West Berlin; India, Nehru visits exhibit. Japan - w/ use of remote control hands to move radioactive material. Mobile units take exhibits to smaller towns. Portable screen erected for showing USIA films: excerpt of A is for Atom. Montage faces various nationalities. 16:01:41 Kremlin, staged Russian broadcaster re false propaganda of American Atoms for Peace program;broadcaster switching tack says Atoms for Peace Plan was a Soviet idea. 16:02:48 Men in Italian bar - public opinion interviewer takes notes. Cold War; Propaganda; VIPS; Royalty; Anti-Communism; 1950s; NOTE: Card sold at per reel rate or any continuous 14 minutes on 2 cards at per reel rate.