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Go to HomepageReel Number: 220539-26
Color: Black and White
Sound: SIL
Year / Date: 1950s,1954
Country: Guatemala
TC Begins: 12:08:28
TC Ends: 12:10:54
Duration: 00:02:26
1954 - Guatemala: Prison & Accused Communists after Armas Arrival Civilian man in suit standing at microphone w/ prisoner in stripes. MS & MCUs of other prisoners. Prisoner walks, limping across wide courtyard, past reporters. Man taking notes as prisoner speaks to him MOS. Army soldiers w/ rifles walk across courtyard past prisoners. 04:09:50 Street scenes & people looking at pictures on wall; CUs showing exhumed bodies. 04:10:32 Ext. MLS corner of prison. 1950s Anti-Communism; Central America; Cold War; NOTE: Armas took power in CIA organized coup d’etat in June, 1954 / Jun54.