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Go to HomepageReel Number: 220511-12
Color: Black and White
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1958,1950s
Country: Egypt,Italy,Jordan,Lebanon,UAR,USA
Location: Amman,Cairo,New York City,Rome,United Nations
TC Begins: 02:19:41
TC Ends: 02:22:16
Duration: 00:02:35
NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: 1958 - Cold War, Middle East: Egypt; Lebanon; Iraq; Italy; Jordan; United Nations; US Aid. Jul58 Intertitle: Mid East Crisis - Area Quiet Pending U.N. - Summit Talk. 02:19:46 President Nasser walking in group in front of patterned textiles hanging on building; crowds cheering Nasser on 6th anniversary of the overthrow of King Farouk. Nasser speaking from podium - microphones, gesturing. LS of crowd; seated crowd applauding. 02:20:16 Lebanon - Robert Murphy, US negotiator, meets President Chamoun. 02:20:37 Rome - American evacuees from Iraq arriving at airport; men women & children down aircraft steps. 02:20:53 Jordan - High Angle / HA street scene w/ city buses, pedestrians & traffic; flags fly at half mast for King Faisal II & government leaders killed by Iraqi rebels nine days earlier. 02;21:14 Interior (grainy quality), King Hussein addressing press conference. 02:21:26 US airlifts vitally needed fuel to Jordan - unloading gas cans from Globemaster plane by hand. 02:21:50 United Nations delegates standing & applauding Khrushchev at lectern; MCU. MOS Asked for summit talks. Top shot New York - tilt down United Nations building. Coup Aftermath; Diplomats; Diplomacy; Foreign Aid; Middle East; 1950s; Anti-Communism; Refugees; NOTE: Sold at per reel rate, if requested may sell 02:19:41 - 02:25:56 (2 cards) at per reel rate. NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: