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Go to HomepageReel Number: 220630-01
Color: Colour
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1964-1966
Country: China
TC Begins: 05:00:11
TC Ends: 05:10:41
Duration: 00:10:30
NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: Pt. 1 of 3 Animated Chinese Main Titles and narration translated by voice over. (printer ride & wear in source film) 05:01:16 Sunrise. 05:01:30 High angle / HA Masses parade w/ red flags. MCU Chairman Mao Zedong / Tse-tung on balcony reviewing parade. Huge parade, marchers, balloons released. 05:02:03 Aerials Chinese countryside w/ contour fields. Pan cornfield, grain harvest. 05:02;40 Industrial montage: petroleum, mining, steel, factories, machinery. Steam freight train runby; army trucks w/ covered loads. Military camp. 05:03:40 Chinese troops sit in circles, read pamphlets re thoughts of Mao, CUs. Soldiers drilling & breaking rock, wheelbarrows, pouring concrete, assemble steel buildings preparing for the first Chinese Atomic test. 05:04:50 Soldier into bunker thru three heavy steel doors. Crates unloaded from truck, stacked; scientists weighing & measuring in laboratory. Technicians at primitive equipment, troops prepare instruments indoors & outdoors for test. 05:06:37 Troops wearing protective clothes & gas masks training, setting up artillery; running across sand w/ rifles. Firemen practice rolling out hoses & climbing ladder. March on sandy mountain desert in sun wearing protective clothing; remove rubber suits & pour out sweat in front of tents. 05:08:03 Cultural & Arts Troop greet soldiers, dance in front of bus w/ lettering; dance w/ rifles entertaining troops. Soldiers play soccer / football, volley ball & basketball. Others watch, applaud. Quartermaster Corps deliver supplies, give small packages to soldiers. Soldiers at pedal sewing machines & hanging clothes on rope clothes lines. 05:09:25 Trucks pulling artillery, tanks past, plane towed across desert, dummy placed. Cloth test patches hung; crated monkeys & animals carried & placed. Recording instruments in place. Continued... Construction; Chinese Propaganda; 1960s; Great Leap Forward; Communism; Cultural Revolution; Vivisection; NOTE: Source film has contrasty Colour, is grainy & has printer ride & wear. NOTE: Any continuous 12 minutes of three cards (05:00:12 - 05:33:59) sold at per reel rate. NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: