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Go to HomepageReel Number: 221070-05
Color: Black and White
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1949
Country: Germany,Occupied GERMANY,USSR
Location: Berlin
TC Begins: 17:23:17
TC Ends: 17:31:03
Duration: 00:07:46
Berlin Blockade Ends Jun45 Pan across rooftops of Berlin. Bomb-damaged buildings - supply planes flying over. Street scenes - traffic & people gathered around news stand. Brig Gen Frank Howley, American Commandant in Berlin, stands in front of map showing sectors of city; “the Americans British & French have exactly the same rights in Berlin as the Soviets have...should be an international city”. MLS Brandenburg Gate. 17:25:18 INT Air Safety Center - US, British & French air corridor controllers at work - VO points out empty Soviet chair. Gen. Frank L. Howley talks over shots of burned-out Reichstag building & crowds in street. Brandenburg Gate, VO translates sign above it. LS Charlottenburg railway station; shiny railway tracks connecting different sectors of Berlin next to rusted old tracks leading out of Berlin to West Germany - closed side of station - ‘Geschlossen’ sign. MCU train drivers in cab - crews under control of Russians. Howley in front of map, talks re Blockade & Soviet attempts to control city - street scenes & hardship - woman using stove no electricity - queuing for fire wood; blockade finally lifted after a year. 17:28:01 INT air traffic control tower, man on radio; four-engine cargo plane takes off above camera from snowy airstrip; INT cockpit. Side shot plane take off. Trucks back up to plane, flour & coal unloaded. Howley: “and therefore as some of my farmer friends would say concerning the Soviet lifting of the blockade, thanks for nothing...the blockade failed in that it did not drive the people of Berlin into the arms of a single party tyranny”. HA shot first train entering Berlin from West; crowds on platform. Kids playing in street; fairground carousel spinning, ruined buildings in BG. Good. Anti- Communism; Post-WWII Occupation; 1949; Cold War; 1948;