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Go to HomepageReel Number: 220765-03
Color: Black and White
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1959-1960
Country: Cuba,USA,Venezuela
Location: Havana,Miami,New York City,NYC
TC Begins: 20:18:01
TC Ends: 20:29:42
Duration: 00:11:41
Castro Cuba and Communism - Danger on Our Doorstep An expose of Cuban politics, showing the rise & fall of Fulencio Batista, Roman Grau San Martin, & subsequent rise of Fidel Castro. Castro addresses crowds in various situations. Castro drinking from bottle. Castro addresses crowds from back of jeep in Camp Columbia. Also in the jeep is anti-Communist rebel ? who later disappears. Rebels parade - cheering crowds. 20:19:46 Cuban refugees in Miami. Fist fight between Batista’s son and ? - eventually separated by police. 20:20:20 Castro meetings - Celia Sanchez w/ Castro. Castro’s personal tank by which he travels. 20:20:39 Venezuela - Castro visits - cheering crowds. Castro given honorary degree at Central University of Venezuela. 20:21:24 Castro visits New York - night shots as Castro addresses crowds in Central Park. 20:21:36 Cuba - Show trials - instruments of torture - Execution by firing squad of Colonel Cornelio Roha ? More show trials. Execution by firing squad of Lt ? 20:24:27 Exterior government building draped with flag. Interior Antonio N. Jiminez ? at microphone - in charge of Agrarian Reform Institute. Castro watches. Peasant farmers - deeds which make farming collectives. Che Guevara w/ President Osvaldo Torrado 20:25:28 Russian plane taxis - Mikoyan & party leave plane. Mikoyan w/ President. 20:26:00 Party - Che taking pictures of Mikoyan wearing straw hat. Castro drinking wine w/ Mikoyan at reception. 20:26:33 Sugar cane fields - peasants loading cane. Castro at rally? Construction work on homes in Havana. Castro gesticulating 20:27:59 Women’s militia march with rifles. 20:28:14 Mar1960 French ship La Coubre, loaded with Belgian arms, catches on fire in Havana harbour. Panic as arms explode - injured - mangled ship. Street demonstration after Castro accuses US agents of blowing up ship - disaster which left 100 dead. Funeral - flowers on road in front of hearse. 1950s; 1960s; Cold War; Anti-Communism; Anti-Communist;