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Go to HomepageReel Number: 220765-01
Color: Black and White
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1956-1957
Country: Cuba
Location: Havana,Matanzas,Santiago,Sierra Maestra
TC Begins: 20:00:05
TC Ends: 20:08:53
Duration: 00:08:48
Castro Cuba and Communism - Danger on Our Doorstep An expose of Cuban politics, showing the rise and fall of Fulencio Batista, Roman Grau San Martin, and subsequent rise of Fidel Castro. April 1956 Shows Castro's unsuccessful attack on the Cuban Army's Domingo Golcuria base near Mantanzas, Cuban army officer answering questions. Bullet holes in car - many dead bodies lying in courtyard. Batista with Defence Minister Garcia Montes looking at captured arms 20:00:42 Show trial 20:00:59 Oct 1956 Col. Blanco Rico?, police spy assassinated (not seen) - exterior house - ten rebel suspects killed by brother of Canizares - Funeral. Map - pencil circles New York Area where Cuban Freedom Fighters in exile work to raise funds to overthrow Batista. New York Yankee Stadium - leaflets dropped holding up baseball game. Map - pencil circles Miami area - Freedom fighters meeting in Miami. Arms which have been purchased for fight - some confiscated by US police - some reach Cuba and are stored. Mexico outlined on map - money changing hands. Qunitana outlined on map. Cardboard box loaded with small arms and ammunition. Castro’s yacht after failed invasion attempt (Bay of Pigs) Cuban troops - rebel taken through iron gates. Woman tends grave. Remaining rebels in mountain camp - more rebels arriving - life in Sierra Maestra camp. Girl rebel. Man peeling potatoes. Castro sitting in barbers chair smoking cigar and having haircut. Castro shooting revolver during target practice. Man cleaning rifle. Woman sewing 26th July on jacket. 20:04:10 Havana - Batista smiling and meeting VIPs. 20:04:25 13Mar57 José A. Echeverría organises Student attack on Presidential palace - troops with guns. Bystanders caught in crossfire. Bullet holes in bus. Body of José A. Echeverría - shot by police. 20:05:17 Rebels in mountain camp. 12Jul57 - Castro issues manifesto to all rebel groups - shots of him standing in group. Havana - man shows bullet holes in car - Funeral in Santiago of boss of rebel underground Frank P ? - huge crowds mourning. Bodies of other revolutionaries on pavement - hanged farmer killed for aiding Castro. Court scenes - woman praying at grave. 20:06:33 Castro sends message by pony express. 20:06:54 Che Guevara joins Castro. Rebel activities - building burning - burned out bus - Attacks on oil refineries and sugar plantations. More rebels welcomed to camp. Celia Sanchez talking. Che with arms. Castro and other rebels. Rebels on horseback. Guerrilla fighting - rebels attack village at night. Cold War; 1950s;