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Go to HomepageReel Number: 221390-02
Color: Colour
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1968
Country: Russia,USSR,Uzbekistan
Location: Chukotka,Moscow
TC Begins: 02:11:10
TC Ends: 02:21:25
Duration: 00:10:15
Fulfilling Lenin’s Behests R2 of 5 Uzbek farmers inspect rows of tractors & farm machines. Grain field in formerly arid region. Farmers eating fresh bread & fruit; pour tea under shade of tent in fields. Mechanised cotton picker in field. VO “Lenin’s dream has come true. The ‘Hungry Steppe’ has become rich and fertile”. Fruit orchards.; poppies & ??Farmer & son in field w/ flowers. Irrigation ditches; aerial view irrigated fields. AV ancient mosque complex. CU architectural details - exteror of mosque w/ mosaic work. Street scenes w/ some women covering themselves; young women in bright colors - Uzbekistan? 02:14:18 Moscow - Kremlin seen from across river. INT members of Presidium of USSR Supreme Soviets; female member interviewed, representing Chukchi people. Aerial views of Chukotka region in Russian Far East, 14,000 km from Moscow, bordering Arctic & Pacific Oceans. 02:15:55 Walruses on beach - move into sea en masse. Reindeer w/ calf; reindeer herd on snowy tundra; deer herders taking tea break sitting on tundra. Doctor arrives by helicopter to treat nomads - VO re improvements in medical aid. Eskimo & Chukchi children have medical check-ups. Little girl performs traditonal dance, other kids applaud. 02:18:01 Delegates & meeting of Chukchi Soviet led by woman interviewed earlier - administering area half size of Europe. Officials led by woman meet nomadic people on icy tundra - back into plane for next leg of trip. Modern settlements under construction on Chukchi tundra. Truck on snowy road, tin mine. LS mine complex set in snowy valley. Underground scenes - mine carts along tracks - miners at work from various parts of USSR, drilling. Women in laboratory weighing metals. Automatic machinery. (GOOD). Russia / USSR; Travelogues; Extreme Weather; Farming / Agriculture; Heavy Industry; Communism; Ethnic;