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Go to HomepageReel Number: 221390-04
Color: Colour
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1968
Country: Russia,USSR
Location: divnogorsk,krasnoyarsk,shushenskaya,Siberia
TC Begins: 02:32:03
TC Ends: 02:42:21
Duration: 00:10:18
Fulfilling Lenin’s Behests R4 of 5 Flashback to start of Krasnoyarsk dam project - group trudges thru snow, woman uses surveying equipment; dynamiting. Aerial view Yenisei River finally blocked; huge turbines for hydropower station delivered by boat; supervisor Andrei Botchkin w/ colleagues. 02:33:30 INT turbine hall & installing new turbines. New town of Divnogorsk, power station workers walk along river - modern apartment buildings, people in summer w/ guitar player. High pan along river. Botchkin surveys site of Sayano-Shushenskaya hydropower station; construction work begins w/ large shovels & trucks at work. Snow on trees & equipment. 02:38:20 Siberian village of Shushenskaya, kayak. House where Lenin exiled in 1897 preserved as it was - various shots desk & bookshelves. CU passage of Lenin’s writing re electron. INT enormous electricity generator inside enormous hydropower station - “proton-syncrotron”. Scientists operating banks of equipment; discuss findings. 02:41:07 Group of people around campfire & picnic on riverbank at dusk. INT workers in white overalls prepare for work at atomic power station; uranium & interior shots of power station & banks of equipment, gauges, control panel. Russia / USSR; Travelogues; Heavy Industry; Communism; Sustainable Resources / Energy; Nuclear Fuel; Technology;