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Go to HomepageReel Number: 220630-03
Color: Colour
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1964-1966
Country: China
TC Begins: 05:20:40
TC Ends: 05:33:59
Duration: 00:13:19
NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: Pt. 3 of 3 China military barracks at test site for third nuclear test - paint red star on ground, put up portrait of Mao, hang propaganda banners & signs on grounds of camp. MCU soldier writing sign & hanging. 05:21:34 Comrades at propaganda meeting study red book. MCUs & CUs. 05:22:10 CU soldier in kitchen working grinding stones; preparing food for troops, water bean sprouts. 05:22:30 LS Sandstorm blowing across trucks & men moving on desert. Blowing canvas tents; soldiers struggle to keep tents pinned down. Cover MIG fighter plane w/ tarpaulins. Officer lectures to soldiers; troops carry sandbags, stacking, filling & shoveling sand. Constructing,welding & placing concrete; towers & pan emplacements of instruments. Scientists testing. 05:25:00 Panning exterior of test buildings. Putting seeds (?) in large barrels / drums. 05:25:17 Preparing animals, giving pills; plants in containers. 05:25:38 Aerial pan of test site. 05:25:53 09May66 MS Soldier (?) reading outdoors at microphone; army troops sitting listening. CU Chinese flag & tilt down flag pole. 05:26:19 Montage, CUs control room & panels w/ blinking light & dials. recording equipment. bunker with 05:26:28 Explosion / flash of first thermonuclear nuclear bomb. Test buildings blown apart by blast wind; clouds of dust; mushroom cloud rising, MCUs. 05:27:42 Dog tied to stake in blast area frantically trying to get free; two caged dogs under iron plate. Cages of chickens uncovered; eggs shown. Monkeys in cages inside building. 05:28:41 Smoking remains of truck. Destroyed railroad bed & test buildings. Men looking at seeds in metal drums & planting in other drums; sprouting agricultural test plants w/ labels. Various stages of growth of damaged crops. Newspapers being printed w/ VO narrator saying Khrushchev & his revisionists were telling lies when they said nuclear bombs would destroy everything. 05:30:15 CU leaflet. Civilians reaching for newspapers, cheering, celebrating, running across street to get newspapers & leaflets / pamphlets. 05:30:59 Reading in various situations & reading out loud to others in villages. 05:31:43 CU Pages of Chinese characters on leaflets / pamphlets & newspapers. 05:32:27 Street scenes of celebrating crowds w/ firecrackers, drums, horns and dancing & singing. Chanting. Picture of Chairman Mao Zedong / Tse-tung on building. 05:33:25 End text w/ VO: “The atomic bomb is paper tiger used by the US reactionary cliques to frighten the people. It appears ferocious but actually it is not. Of course the atomic bomb is a large scale mass killing weapon. But what decides the outcome of a war is not one or two new weapons but the people. The End. Chinese Propaganda; 1960s; Great Leap Forward; Communism; Cultural Revolution; Vivisection; NOTE: Source film is grainy & has printer ride & wear. NOTE: Any continuous 12 minutes of three cards (05:00:12 - 05:33:59) sold at per reel rate. NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: