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Go to HomepageReel Number: 220724-04
Color: Black and White and Colour
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1970s,1980s
Country: Grenada
Location: Caribbean
TC Begins: 04:54:00
TC Ends: 05:20:04
Duration: 00:26:04
Grenada - Stand Up Grenada Pt. 1 of 2 Funeral - Crowds outside church listening to broadcast of service. Political banners. Religious procession leaving church followed by mourners - some militia. Police car with red lights flashing carrying coffin - covered in wreaths. List of revolutionary dead narrated over pictures of march Titles - Stand up Grenada. Exterior Radio Grenada Broadcasting Station - Vox pops people of Grenada following the revolution and overthrow of Eric Gairy. 05:00:06 Women workers - woman activist from NJM re national women’s organizations. Vox pops various women. Members of revolutionary forces speaking of takeover / coup. Still aircraft from Chile which had brought in arms and ammunition. Maurice Bishop at press conference talking about the Gairy government arms trade and preparation for armed control of Grenada. Man with files reads out order for 2 million rounds of ammunition - ordered from company in Handsworth, England. 05:05:07 Stills of atrocities carried out against revolutionary party -- Maurice Bishop at press conference continues to explain why they had to move against Gairy before a planned massacre of the leaders of the revolution. 05:06:04 Cheddi Jagan ex Prime Minister Guyana speaking - says he is sure some attempts will be made - if not direct intervention ... mercenaries. 05:06:33 November 3rd 1979 Newspaper headlines “ Grenada on State of Alert” - night tracking shots cut w/ confiscated arms and ammunition taken from counter-revolutionary groups. Paperwork connecting these groups with foreign countries. Day tracking shots round island while v/o continues re the crushing of attempted plot to overthrow the PRG. Interior vehicle and tracking shots past shanty villages. V/O re CIA involvement in attempted overthrow. Scenic tracking shots. Newspaper headline re plot foiled. Nov. 4th PRG press conference - Maurice Bishop speaks re destabilization and a plan which was supposed to have come from the CIA. Locals on streets reading newspapers. Nov. 5th - mass rally at Queens Park - confiscated arms on display. Bishop talking of overthrow plan and the use of local counter-revolutionaries and mercenaries. Bishop at rally - crowd singing and clapping. Speech over shots schoolchildren. Stills. Scenic shots harbor - poverty - street markets - buses - oil storage tanks - agriculture - construction. 05:16:36 Newspaper Free West Indian - Editorial This is Destabilization - re the use of violence - use of the mass media - economic pressure. 05:16:51 Montage foreign oil companies - Esso - Texaco. Power station, man checking dials. Industry . Stills - V/O says union leaders trained by CIA. Stills American Institute for Free labor. 05:19:52 Philip Agee - ex Cia Officer. Says Trade Union structure was developed to serve political purposes of the CIA. Continued... Politics; Anti-Communism; NOTE: License fee applies.