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Go to HomepageReel Number: 221427-04
Color: Black and White
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1950s,1953
Country: France,USA
Location: New York City,NYC,Paris
TC Begins: 04:34:21
TC Ends: 04:43:28
Duration: 00:09:07
How To Get Along In France R1 of 3 CU Statue of Liberty. Two stack ocean liner in harbor seen from New Jersey w/ Manhattan skyline behind. Soldiers at rail watching water & statue. WW1 & Army boarding ship; holding puppy. WWII leaving. Troop transport w/ soldiers in 1950s. 04:35:35 European map & France in middle w/ animation of USSR spreading across eastern Europe & hammer & sickles; viewpoint shifts to include Asia region. Hammer & sickle in western Europe countries “operates as a 5th column”. Flashing hammer & sickles w/ VO: “its goal today”. 04:36:15 NATO troops march in front of flags & past review stand. SHAPE HQ on map. Location of four air bases & arrow to Germany. LS & CU of NATO national flags flying; CU of French flag. French map superimposed over eastern US north of Ohio river. 04:37:11 Scenic tourist sites of Paris: Eiffel Tower; Opera House; sidewalk Cafe George V; Arc de Triumph; Notre Dame; churches. 04:37:37 Orange village; amphitheater. 04:37:47 Nice, Promenade des Anglais beachfront w/ people at tables. 04:37:55 Riviera beach front w/ people at tables. 04:37:59 Grape vines on hillside above river, harvesting grapes. Granite mountains, skiing. Fisherman, coal miners, man scything hay. Heavy Paris traffic. Street scenes, stock footage. 04:38:50 Troop ship docking at night. Daytime & two sailors walk along narrow sidewalk, stop & light cigarettes as two local men watch them walk past. Man selling L’Humanite newspaper; torn wall poster against Ridgway. Staged hand putting “U.S. Go Home” sticker on inside of jeep window, seen by two soldiers returning to jeep. “These are the work of your enemy & France’s enemy.” Interior of French government meeting. March of well dressed people. VO: “Only 1% are card carrying members of Communist Party.” Animation of graph. Strike & demonstration w/ police violence. Beating students. 04:40:57 Graphic of book cover: History of France. 1870 Franco Prussian war feature film scene. 1914 Troops on battle field. 1939 Germans thru ruins; French POWs marched by Germans. Burning buildings. Aerial of destroyed railyards of burned railroad cars. Ruins of buildings. German flag dropped; Nazis march. Graphics of years. Rifles out of barn for underground; woman w/ rifle. Resistance marching w/ rifles & flag. Blowing up buildings & explosions. Citizens march w/ V-sign & celebrate Paris liberation. POV from truck thru. Cheering & newspaper held up. Cold War Propaganda; Indoctrination; 1950s; Anti-Communist; Communism; 1953;