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Go to HomepageReel Number: 220674-08
Color: Black and White
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1910s-1940s
Country: Belarus,Georgia,Russia,USSR
Location: Brest-Litovsk,Moscow ?,Tbilisi, Georgia
TC Begins: 06:47:02
TC Ends: 06:55:57
Duration: 00:08:55
Misc. USSR - Red Army Out Of Korea - Famine - Parades - Stalin’s Mother Excerpts w/ English narration. Russian troops withdrawing from North Korea - Korean civilians wave them off - soldiers packed onto train waving flowers. Mao out of train in Moscow? - greeted by Molotov. 06:47:49 Burning of Brest-Litovsk, Belarus WWI? - troops through smoke on horseback - civilians w/ horsedrawn carriages - houses on fire shots repeated. 06:49:20 Short sequences vars Russian personalities incl. Lenin & Trotsky making speeches. 06:50:15 Beggar / woman trying to sell underwear - street scenes - shoppers look in windows - trams. - street market. 06:51:04 Depression / Famine scenes - men on street corners - beggars. Busy market. 06:51:49 Various Stalin - parades & meetings - inc. huge inflatable? Stalin head unfurled & carried aloft by balloon - Stalin & Voroshilov look up. Another parade w/ Stalin banners. Stalin, Molotov et al wave from top of mausoleum - anti-Trotsky cartoon banners in crowd - top shot Red Square. 20th anniversary parade ‘38. 06:53:24 Georgia - Stalin’s mother Ekaterina Geladze walks down steps of palace in Tbilisi. Old man who was formerly a prince & wine grower. Vars old Georgian men - VO re wine of region. 06:54:27 Crowds at railway station - hurry along platform towards camera. Women & children walk away from camp where men watch behind barbed wire. 06:54:55 Women working at teletype machines & telephone exchange. 06:55:14 Meeting - men seated round table. 06:55:30 Stalin looking younger w/ Molotov & Kalinin; later shot of Stalin & Molotov waving from platform. 06:55:38 Early shots of soldiers on horseback & marching w/ rifles. Trotsky salutes w/ flag. Russia / Georgia / USSR. Communist Party. Poverty.