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Go to HomepageReel Number: 221425-08
Color: Colour
Sound: SD
Year / Date: Late 1960s
Country: USSR,Uzbekistan
Location: Tashkent,UZBEKISTAN
TC Begins: 01:09:31
TC Ends: 01:19:23
Duration: 00:09:52
The Muslims of Uzbekistan Today R1 of 2 Popular Science & Documentary Film Studios of Uzbekistan English narration 01:09:56 Tashkent street scenes w/ pedestrians & traffic - modern buildings. VO re city as center of Uzbek science - total student body of 14,000. INT. Science laboratory - women technicians - scientists in traditional Uzbek hats & white lab coats, vials of chemicals on racks. Farm machinery on production line; combine harvesters pick cotton in field. Harvested cotton piled up in yard. High pan across countryside; traveling shot down canal or along ditch; young Uzbeks study the Koran at low table under trellis covered in vines. VO “The Soviet State gives believers freedom of conscience” - restrictions of Tsarism lifted. Women walking “...enjoy equal rights.” 01:12:58 Arabic sign. Meeting of Spiritual Board of Moslems of Central Asia & Kazakhstan in Tashkent - men around table discussing new edition of Koran & Muslim calendar w/ Mufti Z. Babakhan. CUs. 01:13:58 Printing presses - copies of Koran being printed - male & female workers. CUs bound volumes of Koran w/ pages turned to show intricate design. Library of Muslim Spiritual Board - ancient volumes consulted. Notes taken. 01:15:53 Visit by President of Pakistan Ayub Khan - various shots inc. large outdoor prayer meeting. 01:16:42 President of India Dr Zakir Hussain on visit to Tashkent. Delegation of religious dignitaries from Morocco headed by ?? tours library of Muslim Spiritual Board - CUs ancient manuscripts. 01:18:13 Formal dinner - Moroccan Muslims given traditional Uzbek robes & portrait of medieval scientist as gifts. MCUs. Ends abruptly. Soundtrack includes traditional Uzbek folk music. Travelogues; USSR; Religion; Communism; 1960s; Arabic Architecture; Calligraphy; Religious Writings; Tolerance; Sunni Moslem; Islam; NOTE: Akhmat Kadyrov possibly seen as a student.