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Go to HomepageReel Number: 250082-08
Color: Black and White
Sound: SIL
Year / Date: 1947
Country: Italy,USSR,Yugoslavia
Location: Rome,Torino,Trieste
TC Begins: 19:01:56
TC Ends: 19:08:31
Duration: 00:06:35
NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: Post-War - 1947, Italy: Communist Graffiti; Party Meeting in Trieste. CU Torino, Italy. Former Fascist inscriptions & new Communist ones. Large wall graffiti: Duce E Italia. VLA Republica D’Stalin; man walks past; walks past other. Various shots of graffiti on walls w/ hammer & sickle, lamppost w/ traffic & pedestrians. Wall w/ St. Peter’s Basilic & pedestrians. Graffiti: Tito This is Yugoslavia. Aquaduct w/ Tito letters above supports. Building: We will live in Jugoslavia. Christian Democratic posters w/ symbol bearing word Libertas behind the Vatican. 19:04:29 slug 19:04:31 Trieste. LS 1930s office building, home of new Communist Party of Trieste, Communist & flags of Italy, Slovenia & Croatia on roof; crowd in street below. Inscription in Italian & Slovenian. 19:05:51 Interior: Stage w/ Communist Party Committee on stage below banner of Stalin, Engels, Marx & Lenin w/ speakers at podium, MOS. 19:06:38 Principal members of committee at table, l-r: Oliva Adriano (Italian), Drasic Carlo (Slovenian), Bernetic Marina (Slovenian women), Lipovec Francsco (Slovenian), Bajo Giovanni (Croatian). Audience shots w/ LS, MS & CUs. 19:08:02 Picture of Tito above flags; picture of Palmiro Togliatti, leader of Italian Communist Party. 19:08:11 Flags draped from balcony, CU w/ slogan: Long Live To the Italo-Sloven Fraternity. Post-WW2 Communism; Soviet Influence; Cold War; NOTE: Sold at per reel rate. NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: