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Go to HomepageReel Number: 221075-05
Color: Black and White
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1947,1940s
Country: Ukraine,USSR
Location: Dneiper,DonbasS / Donets
TC Begins: 06:26:53
TC Ends: 06:34:01
Duration: 00:07:08
Post-WWII - 1947, Ukraine: Industrial Construction; Coal Mining; Steel Mill Steam locomotive; silhouetted Stakhanovite workers enroute to Urals & POV of passing landscape. GOOD 06:27:08 Montage: High Angle / HA large industrial worksite; inside large steel framed warehouse, welders, crane moving large gears, construction activity. Exterior, foreman gesturing, workers, men working on pipes, building cable pulley wheels on towers of new plant. 06:28:35 Women w/ shovels up path w/ dam on Dnieper River in background. Concrete in bucket lowered on Dnieperstroi - hydro-electric station / dam construction & women construction workers pouring / moving concrete. Dam w/ water out flume pipes. 06:29:27 Slug / edit. 06:29:38 (may be from different reel) Aerial over coal mining town w/ large stock piles & mine buildings. LA of building & tower w/ mine pulleys turning. 06:30:08 Concrete building No. 7 ?? 1945 w/ sculpture (brief). LS across works, smoking / steaming piles of coal or slag (?). Miner riding bucket down; LS buckets up. 06:30:33 White marble (?) heroic statue man & woman miners. 06:30:39 Miners walking to work inc. women, carrying drills; into mine building; underground drilling, cutting in low mineshaft. Coal out on conveyor, dumped. Coat train rushing past. 06:31:46 Montage: aerial over industrial works (?); Secretary of Ukrainian Communist Party Lazar Kaganovich off airplane; coal miners gather & in MS talk. Aerial over industrial buildings w/ many chimneys; train; coal bucket; workers sweeping smoking charcoal (?); worker & flames; smoking & burning iron slag dumped into coal cars; women hosing piles of coal or slag; POV past gasification (?) towers. Interior pouring steel, workers discuss; silhouetted chimneys. Dramatic industrial scenes. Post-WW2; Stakhanovites; Soviet Heavy Industry; Soviet Workers; Coal Miners; Steelworkers; Communism; Communists; Collective Effort; Stereotypes; NOTE: Sold at per reel rate.