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Go to HomepageReel Number: 220723-18-P1
Color: Black and White
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1950
Country: Russia,Turkmenistan,USSR
Location: Bryansk,Moscow,Turkmenistan
TC Begins: 03:22:33
TC Ends: 03:30:18
Duration: 00:07:45
Post-WWII - 1950, USSR: Soviet Election Campaigning; Turkmenistan Anniversary; Cinema LS Moscow in snow - traffic by walls and Red Square monuments in background. Pre-election Meeting in large electric factory to put forward Stalin’s candidacy, huge Stalin portrait & speakers as workers listening; applause. Women speakers. Crowd put hands up- all vote for Stalin. 03:24:39 Meeting in factory? w/ Stalin & Lenin portraits. Polevaya speaks. Applause. Young man speaker; workers put hands up voting for Molotov’s candidacy. 03:26:01 25th Anniversary of Soviet Turkmenistan Communist Party - Exterior headquarters w/ Stalin & Lenin portraits and hammer & sickle flags in Ashkbad. Grandiose assembly hall & speaker (Prime Minister Babev ?) Applause. Woman speaker. Applause. Parade with flags. Turkmen troops on motorbikes and horseback wearing huge hairy hats. Floats w/ people in national costume. 03:28:41 Cinema in Bryansk - street scenes - crowd enter movie theater. Movie posters. Interior empty movie theatre. Orchestra on stage. Projectionists in projection room. Movie audience in theatre. Screening of film re popular uprising (or Fall of Berlin ?). Post-WW2 Russia; 1940s; 1950s; Communism; Communists; Educational Entertainment; NOTE: Sold at per reel rate.