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Go to HomepageReel Number: 221424-06
Color: Black and White
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1971
Country: France,Romania,Russia,USSR
Location: Bucharest,Moscow,Paris
TC Begins: 22:51:26
TC Ends: 23:02:00
Duration: 00:10:34
Russian News of the Day 1971 #08 February 22:51:49 Title: 50th Anniversary. USSR State Planning Committee (SPC). Shot of original decree. Meeting room. Woman on chair w/ rollers & computers w/ punch cards working in one of governments scientific research institutes, produce computer print-out Five Year Plan documents to be delivered to all soviet councils. 22:52:34 Official 50th Anniversary celebration in Kremlin palace. Communist party’s & USSR Gov. leaders w/ Brezhnev & others. Promoslov at podium. Speeches by - Suslov, Baybokov (MOS). Applause. 22:54:04 Red Square, delegations from USSR SPC put very large wreath at Lenin’s tomb. 22:54:30 Title: 24th Meeting of CCCP. Big refinery, working w/ new inventions to produce sulfuric acid. CU of workers at control panels, tanks, filling railroad cars; cooling towers. 22:55:25 Title: In Interest of World Safety. Foreign Ministers of Warsaw Pact Nations meet in Bucharest, Romania. City’s streets, traffic. CU of various ministers seen at tables w/ Mikoyan. 22:56:07 Busy street w/ cars driving past. 50th anniversary of newspaper “TRUD”. Opening speech by Nikolai Podgornij (Podgorny) congratulates newspaper w/ USSR’s highest prize, Public rises to applaud. Order of Lenin award put onto newspaper’s flag. 22:57:23 53 years of Soviet army & fleet. Radar antenna & military in control room. Solders handling & raising large rockets. Navy submarines & ships at sea. Parachute jumpers out of large planes; rockets on runway in front of fighter jets. Young soldiers in classroom. Classes w/ army equipment. Soldiers run to tanks in forest in winter snow, climb inside. Drive thru fields w/ deep powdery snow (GOOD) . 22:58:36 Factory workers w/ Leningrad's scientists invent new shiny non - rusting steel (chrome?). Men in factory w/ manufacturing machinery & polishing w/ fluid. 22:59:31 United Arab Republic, UAR, traditional dance group has performed for ten years, now performs in Moscow. Women in dressing room dress in traditional dresses. Arab men dancing on stage joined by women to perform popular dance - El Debka. Public applaud. 23:00:30 Title: Sport. Paris, France International weightlifting competition, USSR athletes set 6 world records. Taking part is the strongest man on earth - Vasiliy Aleksejev. GOOD SHOTS. The End. Communist Achievements; Communism; Cold War; Manufacturing; Computers; Military Training; Cultural Exchange Performance; Strongman; Strength; 1971;