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Go to HomepageReel Number: 220641-01
Color: Black and White
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1937
Country: USA
Location: NYC?
TC Begins: 01:01:07
TC Ends: 01:04:15
Duration: 00:03:08
Dewey Speech - Cleaning out the gangsters. Dewey at desk - multiple takes same speech. ‘We have made a real start on cleaning the gangsters out of New York. For twenty years the machine-controlled District Attorneys of New York County have prosecuted nothing but the small fry and the victims of organised crime... In two years now, we have shown that our people can be protected and that we can deliver New York from the grip of the underworld... Every big gangster we have prosecuted is in jail or is a fugitive from justice... They are hiding away, waiting for January first to come back and get rich again. .. Whether they do or not is up to you... a city free from gangsters... “