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Go to HomepageReel Number: 221308-06
Color: Black and White
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1952
Country: USA
TC Begins: 14:03:57
TC Ends: 14:12:41
Duration: 00:08:44
Drug Addiction Pt. 1 of 2 Encyclopaedia Britannica Films Large lawn outside college or University & three couples into convertible jalopy to drive-in & getting served ice cream cones & milkshakes. 14:04:55 Young man stocking shoe boxes in store from ladder; another grabs a camera & puts under shirt & walks out. Black woman panhandling in neighborhood, older Black woman gives her a coin. Older boy grabs young boy & mugs him on busy street, stealing his violin case. 14:05:29 Young man sits in chair smoking w/ drugs & spoon beside him. CU pills. 14:05:51 Illustration of poppy, opium, morphine & heroin. Diagram of man w/ needle & showing effect on brain, heart & nervous system. Large needles shown. Drawing of marijuana & hemp plant. Cocoa plant & heart beating, diagram of violent man. Sleeping man. 14:07:55 CU sign Narcotics Bureau on door, opens & agent goes in w/ arrested man, young man puts paper into typewriter. Slums w/ washing on line & car parked. Ext.of brownstone houses w/ some lights on inside. Pan over windows, man sitting reading & smoking. Int. & older man at desk reading thick book; takes out drug paraphenalia. Man rings apartment no. 24 bell; young man w/ bow tie comes to door, takes out wallet & gives man wad of bills & gets drug vial. 14:09:03 Two boys exxhanging money for drugs in doorway in daytime; older man in dark glasses takes money & gives drugs. Man in hardware store shoplifts, chased down street by owner & into arms of cop who grabs him. Searches him & finds bent spoon, bag of pills 14:10:12 Courtroom SOF “...heroin.” “Let’s see your arms”. “How long you taken heroin?” “I smoked marijuana.” 14:11:05 Five guys around candles smoking marijuana; “Come on, its my turn next...where did you get it?” “Gee I feel awful funny...I feel kinda sick.” Three of them steal case of soda pop, break bottles on window & drink cutting themselves w/ the glass. 14:12:05 Two guys into cafe booth & sit down, one pulls out heroin; dares other to try it. Continued... Drugs; 1950s Stereotypes; Juvenile Delinquency; Theft; Stealing; Petty Crime; Criminals; Ghetto; Blacks; Poverty; Americana; Economics;