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Go to HomepageReel Number: 220668-06
Color: Black and White
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1934
Country: USA
Location: Arcadia, Louisiana,Dallas, Texas
TC Begins: 19:49:44
TC Ends: 19:59:21
Duration: 00:09:37
Title. Re-enactment - Man being released from prison. Night scenes two gangsters into car - enter shop - shooting heard - gangsters run out. (film deterioration) 19:52:05 Newspaper headlines re arrest of Buck Barrow and wife. More headlines re Buck Barrow dies from wounds. Headlines re bank robberies etc carried out by Barrow gang. 19:52:36 Prisoner W.D. Jones who was held captive by & participated w/ Clyde Barrow tells his story from Dallas County Jail. Says he saw Clyde Barrow kill five men. 19:53:22 Re-enactment Clyde waits for Bonnie Parker outside restaurant. Couple sitting on running board of car in field near Grapevine Texas. Clyde shoots at bird. Two state policemen on motorbikes approach couple. Couple shoots policemen w/ rifles. 19:54:57 Two officers w/ guns wait in ambush on back road in Louisiana. Car approaching. Law officers jump from bushes, fire repeatedly w/ automatic rifles at car. 19:56:13 Actualitity ? Body of Bonnie seen leaning against Clyde in bullet ridden car. Various guns leaned against car trunk / boot. Two sawed off shotguns - two machine rifles - automatic pistols. Bullet holes in car, entry and exit. Interior car showing bullet holes. Personal effects - make up belonging to Bonnie. More guns. 19:58:46 Fake license plates from different states. 19:59:06 Crowds outside funeral parlour / funeral home in Arcadia, Louisiana 1934; Crime; Bonny & Clyde; Criminals; Myths; Depression;