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Go to HomepageReel Number: 221698-07
Color: Black and White
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1950
Country: USA
TC Begins: 05:07:43
TC Ends: 05:20:11
Duration: 00:12:28
Why We Respect The Law missing main title Coronet Instructional Films SOF Teenage boy, Kent, in lawyer’s office - confesses that he stole lumber from construction site: “they’ve got plenty more”. Launching into an elaborate moralising lecture, the lawyer takes his shoes as an example - “you have plenty more shoes” tells him law is cornerstone of democracy. “Are laws made to protect you and regulate me?” Lawyer asks what it would be like without law - shots of policeman & judge vanishing. 05:09:45 Kent at home w/ family, armed gang breaks in & robs them at gunpoint, CUs. 05:10:22 Kent: “Gosh, that’s like something out of a Western movie”. Lawyer says that’s what it was like until vigilante groups led to first police forces ??. Discussion of law & its purpose going back to Bible, Socrates etc. - “We should respect the law because it represents the accumulated experience of men thru the ages” - more laboured examples then cut to: 05:13:56 Young man in court being cross-examined. Bizarre flashback no faces seen shows him stealing money from his mother at young age. 05:14:43 POV from car w/ snow along rural road past 35mph sign; CU of speedometer, 50 mph, then slowing down. Motorcycle cop in rearview mirror, alongside car. 05:15:11 CU cheating on school test; CU filling out income tax return. Showing friends a stolen watch over card table; finally arrested while trying to hold up a store at gunpoint. 05:16:13 Lawyer in VO “you see how disrespect of law can become a habit?” Man in court - jury - in prison cell - realises that his problem started with “two pennies, stolen from a card tray”. 05:16:55 Lawyer concludes his lecture on respecting the law with more dubious pearls of wisdom like "peace and happiness are impossible unless our individual possessions are secure" - materialism. Kent realizes his error. 05:17:56 Kent at home w/ his friends, tells them lawyer suggested they pay for lumber & contractor won’t press charges; after one protests slightly “unless you’re going to snitch on us.” Kent says he won’t be but better to straighten it out. They agree. Kent calls lawyer who has arranged for them to work off what they owe at the construction site, “Gee that’s swell!” 05:19:37 Lawyer asks Kent to tell his friends they will all be better off “by knowing the law, by obeying the law, by helping w/ law enforcement and by encouraging others...” The End. 1950s; Morals; Ethics; Capitalism; Crime - Theft; US Judiciary; Trials; Robbers / Burglars; Criminals; Juvenile Delinquent; Justice;