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Go to HomepageReel Number: 221552-05
Color: Black and White
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1900s,1910s,1920s,1930s
Country: USA
Location: DC,New York City,NYC,Washington
TC Begins: 22:06:37
TC Ends: 22:14:49
Duration: 00:08:12
1900s - 1930s, USA Social Change Sound copy. Card 1 of 2 04Mar13 - Military parade on wide Pennsylvania avenue, high angle, people on roofs watch. 22:06:53 President Taft in office signs document, CU of pen on paper. Early NYC traffic scenes - some horse drawn; pedestrians, crowded streets w/ hansom cabs, buses. 22:07:23 Main title: Challenge Of Change 22:07:54 Montage labor, women winding coils; men w/ molten metal. Recent coal mining. Turn of century women at time clock. POV Westinghouse floor from crane. Immigrants off Ellis Island boat w/ luggage. Statue of Liberty. Brief montage, working conditions. POV past street vendors, carts. 22:08:33 MCU Samuel Gompers. Drawing - soldiers shooting crowd, labor violence, social upheaval. CU sign: Department of Labor. 22:08:56 Staged: Man takes books out of horse-drawn carriage into offices, men at desks. 22:09:16 Photo: Archduke Ferdinand w/ wife, spinning newspaper w/ assassination headline. Large artillery firing. Headline “Lusitania sunk by sub”, Wilson & headline ‘US declares War!”. Troops in front of Capitol & headline “Yanks are coming!”. 22:09:38 Battle scenes. Soldiers out of trenches, over the top, explosions, planes, tanks. 22:09:54 Men in office. Women textile & other factory workers; trade union parade, crowds celebrate WWI armistice, sailors dancing, flag waving, troop ship returning, soldiers off. 22:10:50 Man at job interview. Montage: cotton-picking. sewing factory, steel mill. 1920s baseball w/ Babe Ruth running, wing walker on Avery biplane, Black jazz musicians, Charleston dancers, city neon lights, flag-pole sitter, sewing factory, night club & tuxedos, dance marathon. Gangsters car headlights, gun firing. 22:11:37 Lindbergh (?) into plane, takes off. Ticker-tape parade, CU Lindbergh at microphone. 22:11:51 Wall Street stock exchange. CU money counted by bank cashier. Union Riots. Stills child labor. 22:12:20 Automobile assembly, production lines. Cars out of factory. Babe Ruth to home plate. 1930s women at adding machines, male supervisor. Board room meeting. Garment factory, sewing. CU men at metal working machines. 22:13:12 Stock exchange scenes. 22:13:22 Biplane stunt flying into plywood wall. Depression soup kitchen on street. Staged: banks closed, lines waiting. Deserted industrial areas. 22:14:01 POV thru ghetto street market; breadline, old woman served. Poor kids skip rope. President Roosevelt inauguration w/ sd. Poor family eating outside with 9 children. Continued.... Poverty; Industrialization; Depression; Economics; Workers; American Labor History; WW1; NOTE: Will provide partial or entire of cards (22:06:37 - 22:16:46) at per reel rate if requsted. Brief shots useful for montages.