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Go to HomepageReel Number: 221178-18
Color: Black and White
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1982
Country: USA
Location: California,Colton
TC Begins: 10:27:38
TC Ends: 10:44:08
Duration: 00:16:30
Colton Police “Swordfish” Surveillance (has date & time of day burned in). 4 men in office w/ long table counting stacks of money--captured on surveillance camera. Suitcase opened of money; talk about how to count it all. Moving money to end of table, laying out new money at other end. Talk about going to Columbia. Man w/ Spanish accent. $125,000 counted. Another bag dumped on table. “This was yesterday’s.” $200,000 totalled. Man speaking on phone in Spanish. 10:43:00 Talks about problem of running the money through a machine for counting. Racketeers; Drug Money; Gangsters; Smuggling; Ethnic; Drugs;