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Go to HomepageReel Number: 220870-35
Color: Black and White
Sound: SIL and SD
Year / Date: 1934
Country: USA
TC Begins: 04:17:51
TC Ends: 04:20:48
Duration: 00:02:57
Criminals Can’t Rule America Titles re rising tide of public sentiment...end of criminals in this country... 04:18:10 Title: Dillinger Wiped Out - More To Go. 04:18:17 Dillinger on slab in morgue. Dillingers hat & pistol on table. 04:18:48 Crowds in street outside Biograph cinema / movie house, traffic past policeman in street. Alley w/ policeman. 04:19:00 Three men, man says (SOF): “I arrived at the scene of the shooting of John Dillinger & found the body had been taken to I went to the County morgue & questioned the government agents who told me that they had shot down John Dillinger as he drew a gun...” later verified that it was Dillinger. 04:19:31 Woman in hospital bed surrounded by doctor, nurse, brother & two children she describes being shot... was injured in shoot out. 04:20:03 Crowds on street - Dillinger on slab. 04:20:28 Title: Radicals Can’t Rule America! 04:20:37 Crowds outside General Drivers Union Strike HQ building, men leave in back of trucks, traffic past. Police w/ night sticks keeping men back. Crowd, men on awnings. 24Jul34; 1934; 1930s; Gangsters; Death; FBI;