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Go to HomepageReel Number: 200537-02
Color: Black and White
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1934
Country: USA
Location: Chicago,COLUMBUS,IL,IN,OH,South Bend,Spider Lake,WI
TC Begins: 07:09:59
TC Ends: 07:20:27
Duration: 00:10:28
Dillinger - Public Enemy No. 1 [Part 2] Indiana Film Company Postal employee who reported Dillinger escape. Prison & convicts marching. Gov White of OH in office with cigar. Map of Dillinger route. Still of Dillinger’s moll. Men posing outside of store where Youngblood shot & bullet holes in wood. Road block w/ police stopping cars. CU of Dillinger Sr on porch. Pan of buildings. Pan of small town; police department. People on porch & policeman standing in uniform on porch. St. sc. map. Aerial of Spider Lake, WI. Sign: ‘Dine, Dance & Swim - Little Bohemia’; Ext of Inn. Woman with dogs. Man out of window. Police look at guns & bullet riddled car. Police with guns. 07:15:48 Man in hospital w/ doctor. Dying man. Casket loaded into hearse. Stills of Dillingers associates. Convicts in yard marching. 07:16:47 CU electric chair. CU Dillinger smiling. South Bend IN street scene with people looking into Bank. Sign: Merchants National Bank. Man opens bullet riddled glass door. St. Scenes - map. AV Chicago. Biograph Cinema exterior; CU marquee ‘”Manhattan Melodrama” with Clark Gable & William Powell’. Men standing in front of theater where Dillinger was ambushed - white cross on pavement. Ext. Alexian Brothers Hospital. Top shot Cook County Morgue; INT Dillinger laying on slab in morgue - before & after body cleaned up. Wicker casket carried into wagon & driven from morgue. Title ‘Crime Never Pays’. Crime. Gangsters. Depression. 1930s Americana. Bank Robbery.