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Experts aid Senate war on rackets!

Reel Number: 220870-30

Color: Black and White

Sound: SD

Year / Date: 1933

Country: USA

Location: New York City,NYC

TC Begins: 04:09:27

TC Ends: 04:11:02

Duration: 00:01:35

Experts aid Senate war on rackets! Men at table beneath large USA flag. Senator Royal Copeland stands, speaks SOF: “There is a growing conviction in our country that kidnapping & racketeering & other forms of crime, are on the increase. This is determined in this committee; the Senate itself is determined that the crime of racketeering, & the crime of kidnapping, shall cease. 04:09:58 Unid. man from Justice Department (SOF): Senator Copeland I am happy to have had an opportunity to attend the meeting of your committee...and I am satisfied...the Justice Department will make some permanent headway in attacking the gangster army in America. 04:10:31 Unid. man (SOF): Senator Copeland I believe that the sub-caliber machine gun should be outlawed entirely in the United States except for such purposes as it may be used by the military & police officers. I also believe that the entire control of the manufacture, sale & transportation of firearms should be regulated with help of committee progress will be made. Man calls for outlawing of machine guns and regulation of firearms should be regulated by Federal statutes. 04:10:59 Wall w/ pistols & fishing reels. 1933; 19Sep33; 1930s; Gun Control; Crime Investigation; Criminals; Gangsters; Depression; Government;

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