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Police Seize Burke, Notorious Gangland Massacre Suspect (1931)

Reel Number: 221143-24

Color: Black and White

Sound: SIL

Year / Date: 1931

Country: USA

Location: Joseph,Michigan,St

TC Begins: 06:21:39

TC Ends: 06:22:28

Duration: 00:00:49

Police Seize Burke, Notorious Gangland Massacre Suspect (1931) St. Joseph, Michigan Men gathered outside large brick house, several shots. Four men posing for camera in overcoats; others posing. Interior shot w/ man smoking cigar at table, men around him. Smiling. Fred Burke aka Fred Killer Burke of St. Valentine’s Day Massacre fame not thought to be seen. Gangsters; Criminals; Hired Killers;

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