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Go to HomepageReel Number: 221710-02
Color: Black and White
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1951
Country: Australia,Australia UNITED KINGDOM,England,India,United Kingdom,USA
Location: London,South America,Sydney
TC Begins: 04:07:52
TC Ends: 04:15:15
Duration: 00:07:23
NOTE: FOR ORDERING see: or contact us at: 1951 - Educational Films: World Trade For Better Living Pt. 1 of 2 04:08:00 Cargo unloaded at docks. 04:08:20 Titles. 04:08:41 Captain on deck smoking pipe, to camera (SOF): “This is my ship...people almost everywhere trade with other countries...” over scenes of unloading. 04:09:37 Montage of scenes of different world regions w/ VO addressed to Captain re trade. London - pan across River Thames showing bridges - plummy English VO re origin of food sold in Britain - good interior & exterior shots of general store - butcher slices meat on machine, sign on wall behind counter: Old or New Ration Books. Woman buying meat. INT textile / woolen mill - woman checks bobbins of thread. View inside store window display showing woman looking in. Good shot Selfridges department store w/ traffic passing along Oxford Street in front inc. London buses. VO “I’d say we in Europe have to trade...or die.” 04:10:11 South America - cattle herd on plains - farmer on horse-drawn plow - top shot city intersection - street scenes w/ traffic - man onto bus - VO re need for North American imports. 04:10:37 India ? - oxen pulling plows in rice paddy - VO “we are poor by your standards” - women cooking & weaving using traditional methods. Street market - Sikh men w/ turbans - Western goods on sale inc. torches, alarm clocks & sweaters, one of which seems to have swastika pattern - rickshaws etc. in traffic along crowded street. 04:11:15 US street scene w/ brash American voice over “...we seldom think about the need for trade, except perhaps when we’re looking at British woolens, when we’re trying on a new perfume from France...” - CU roll of suit fabric examined in store; well-dressed woman smells perfume in department store; self-service coffee grinder, beans poured in. VO details other imports relied upon by US - CU housewife takes pan off stove; pull-back on new tire fitted to car at garage; car manufacturing; street scene. 04:12:05 Back to Captain on deck of ship - talks about sugar being unloaded - cutaway to sugar plantation scene - harvesting & packing- loading onto cargo ship. 04:12:44 Captain points to another ship in dock - scenes of tin mining in Malaya - ore being dug - women in cane hats washing ore - bars of solid tin on carts. Captain talks re US exports - wheat silo on docks where ship being loaded w/ grain. Cotton cargo loaded - Black worker operating mechanized cotton picker - cotton arriving at mill “If we could eavesdrop on all the trading going on in the world today, it would probably sound like this...” 04:14:43 Trade montage w/ VO in vars languages mixed together showing various dock scenes, CUs cargo, goods trains, cargo plane, aerial Sydney Harbor Bridge. Economics; World Economy; Globalization; Postwar Britain; Rationing; 1940s; 1950s; Post-WWII; Post-WW2; NOTE: One continuous minute sold at per reel rate. NOTE: FOR ORDERING see: or contact us at: