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Corn Farmer, The (Second Edition) (1960)

Reel Number: 221158-02

Color: Colour

Sound: SD

Year / Date: 1960

Country: USA


TC Begins: 19:11:17

TC Ends: 19:24:35

Duration: 00:13:18

The Corn Farmer (Second Edition) Encyclopaedia Britannica Films Traveling shot from tractor w/ seed planter, CU Farmer Stone; superimposed map showing US corn belt. Hoppers on planter filled w/ seed corn - more planting shots pulled by John Deere tractor & weedkiller sprayed. Farmhouse & yard w/ cattle trough filled w/ silage by farmer’s son Brian. Good pan down line of cows eating, another son Ed feeding corn to pigs. 19:13:59 INT wife in kitchen cooking, two sons & farmer come in one by one, each ask if dinner’s ready - she replies three times “Yes, it’s all ready”. Radio weather forecast heard in BG. Family sit down to eat dinner - top shot table w/ food laid out inc. corn cobs. (GOOD). 19:14:39 Traveling shots from tractor as farmer cultivates field. Pigs moved around pens & selected for market; into truck. CUs piglets suckling from sow & snoozing in hay. Piglets in yard eating. Corn sprayed w/ weedkiller & insecticide or pesticide. PoV along gravel road & aerial shots Stone family car traveling into town along country road, past courthouse. High shot main street, tracking shot past store signs (GOOD). 19:17:30 County fair scenes: CU announcer at microphone, boys compete in 4-H showing steers they’ve raised. Livestock judging & winner announced. 19:18:20 First corn harvested for silage - chopped & blown up pipe into silo. Dried corn harvested. Corn-fattened cattle taken to market. Stock yard & pens, cattle through gates. Stone doing paperwork in study. 19:21:49 CU ears of corn tumbling out of combine chute, harvesting - ears stored in corn crib. 19:23:18 Winter on farm, cattle herded into snowy field to clean up leftover corn. Corn farming montage summary. Farming; Agriculture; Housewife; Housewives’ Nuclear Family; 1950s; Rural Americana. NOTE: One continuous minute sold at per reel rate.

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