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Farmer, The

Reel Number: 221227-03

Color: Colour

Sound: SD

Year / Date: 1953

Country: USA


TC Begins: 12:26:04

TC Ends: 12:40:16

Duration: 00:14:12

Titles. 12:26:29 CU newborn calf w/ mother; farmer’s teenage son in dungarees plays w/ calf then called to help father w/ milking by hand; wishes he could keep calf for himself son narrates film. CU cow eats silage during milking. EXT farmer’s daughter feeds chickens; younger son drives pigs into feeding pen. Farmer’s wife outside farmhouse, calls family for breakfast. 12:28:50 Farmer drives tractor pulling combine harvester to field, son follows driving old tractor w/ brother riding in trailer; sister waves then goes inside to help mother canning beans. Harvest scenes - VO re “hybrid corn” - teenager tells little brother about new calf non-sync 12:31:41 CU 4-H Club badge - trailer filled w/ oats from combine - oats up conveyor into barn - mother arrives w/ jug of water, points to weather vane. Combine breaks down just as storm threatens to break - farmer fixes it. 12:35:21 INT farmhouse kitchen - mother & daughter prepare lunch; take frozen meat out of freezer. Weather forecast heard on radio as farmer & son come in. More harvest scenes. Dark clouds over farmhouse, mother drives cows home from pasture; last load of oats into barn as storm hits. Farmers into milking barn, teenager cuddles baby calf & father nods agreement that he can keep it. Farming / Agriculture; Livestock Animals; 1950s Americana; Housewives; Families; Farm Family;

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