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Hurricane Watch Pt 1 of 2

Reel Number: 221276-03

Color: Black and White

Sound: SD

Year / Date: 1950s

Country: USA

Location: Florida,SOUTH CAROLINA

TC Begins: 03:21:42

TC Ends: 03:28:16

Duration: 00:06:34

Hurricane Watch Part 1 of 2 US Weather Bureau Presents Good shots of hurricane-lashed streets, palm trees & traffic lights swaying in fierce gales, driving rain, man wades across flooded street, cars under water. VO “This is the story of a hurricane and how some people reacted to it...” Aerial view freighter at sea in tropical Atlantic; INT deck officer completing weather report in ship’s log; CU log ‘Light sea; wind northeast, force 4; barometer 29.80’ etc. Message sent to weather bureau by radio operator. 03:23:01 Florida salesman down suburban street; South Carolina executive in office dictating to secretary; men on vacation in boat w/ wives; Statee highway patrolman; housewife in kitchen. 03:23:35 EXT US Department of Commerce Weather Bureau. INT message from ship received; CU teletype machines printing messages. Hurricane Hunter reconnaissance plane taxiing on runway & take off. Air to air & interior cockpit shots planes flying into storm to assess hurricane threat. CU pilot’s hands on steering yoke, radio operator, Airologists w/ monitoring equipment when plane inside eye of storm. Newspaper story ‘Hurricane Betty Located 500 Miles East of Puerto Rico’. 03:25:12 Family in garden, mother reads newspaper report (SOF) “The paper says there’s a hurricane on the way, we’d better check the storm shutters & make sure everything’s OK...” Husband & narrator both tell her not to worry, will be warned when the time comes. Meteorologist marking up map of hurricane zone. 03:25:50 Animated map showing East coast of US & Caribbean w/ swirling hurricane symbol above Puerto Rico - arrows show common routes of hurricanes; map superimposed over shots of newspaper stand on street & radio mast. 03:26:22 Holidaymakers on small boat eating picnic. CU radio: “A Hurricane watch has just been issued by the Weather Bureau for the Georgia and Carolina coast”; men start up boat to return to shore. INT executive’s office, secretary comes in & gives him latest news on hurricane (SOF) exec. tells her to put maintenance foreman on standby “...in the meantime I’ll make preliminary plans for shutting down the plant”. Highway patrol chief receives call - gives orders to deputy. Animated map showing hurricane nearing coast of US. Extreme Weather; Storms; Natural Disasters; Emergency Planning; Geography; Meteorology; Government Promotional Film; Propaganda; Weathermen; Weather Forcasting;

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