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Go to HomepageReel Number: 221719-02
Color: Black and White
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1950
Country: USA
TC Begins: 22:07:06
TC Ends: 22:16:47
Duration: 00:09:41
Main & end titles missing. Brief shot of kids on ice rink; children into elementary school classroom after snowball fight past teacher who notices many empty desks due to colds. Smiling kids, camera moves in on Billy. Profile shot; cut to cross section diagram of Bill’s head showing nose, mouth & throat - animation of healthy mucous membrane. 22:08:28 Billy turns & sees empty desk of Dick; home in bed, blows nose. 22:09:00 Mother in to take temperature. Covers him up. Mother shakes thermometer; leaves w/ tray of food. 22:10:06 Cross-section of Dick’s head showing overactive mucous membrane fighting cold germs - animation of drops of mucous from sneeze spreading across classroom. 22:11:01 Kids listening in classroom - VO says we should all stay at home if we have a cold - girl sneezes into handkerchief, teacher immediately sends her to school nurse. Class learning how to ‘Stay Away From Colds’ - chubby girl addresses classmates next to poster. 22:12:08 Cut to shots of boys wrestling in snow VO ”if you wrestle with a boy who has a cold, you could get cold germs very easily” - girl refuses when offered bite of friend’s apple - boy sneezes & girl refuses to touch his workbook. CUs. Animation of mucous. 22:13:22 Boy talks to class about how to ‘Avoid Chilling’ MOS - boy takes off sweater in class; boy home from school, sneezing. VO re dangers of wet clothing - boy goes outside for snowball fight; goes back inside for dinner & takes off wet clothes. 22:15:04 Billy’s next to his poster ‘Practice Good Health Habits’. Kids play in snow - exercise. Proper foods - Billy in kitchen watches mother basting meat in oven; fruit juice & salad laid out on counter. 22:15:51 Billy into bed for good night’s sleep. Film summarises ways of preventing colds & what to do if you have one. Public Health Educational Films; Disease; Illness; Medical Diagrams; Advice; Housewives; 1940s Americana;