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Go to HomepageReel Number: 221169-06
Color: Black and White
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1940s
Country: USA
Location: New York
TC Begins: 14:54:00
TC Ends: 15:04:14
Duration: 00:10:14
The Miracle of Milk State of New York Department of Agriculture & Markets main title missing Animated globe turning - VO “this is the round ball you and I live on...its lifeless wrinkled skin takes many forms” - landscape shots - “this we call rock - this we call water” - picturesque countryside scenes - dairy cattle grazing. Lions in zoo - VO re herbivorous & carnivorous creatures. 14:55:46 Distinguished-looking man in suit eating dinner - cutaways to displays of meat & vegetables - CU glass of milk. VO re milk bringing early Man “down from the caves” - caveman vignette & shots of North African? herders on plains. Woman reading illustrated Bible - “Land of milk and honey”. 14:57:14 Title ‘As man came to realize the importance of milk, it was inevitable that his cattle should become objects of veneration...’ Museum artefacts showing ancient worship of bulls & cows - symbolic miniature cows buried w/ pharoahs. Optical vignette: Roman nobelwoman bathing in milk. 14:58:00 Woman in beauty parlour w/ towel on head - girl brings her glass of milk - VO American women “know that a clear skin, sound white teeth, attractive hair and lovely nails are impossible without enough calcium”. Actress on movie set drinking milk as she reads script. Indian sacred cow vignette. 14:58:56 Dairy herd on modern revolving milking platform - good shots - farmers hosing them, drying them & attaching teats to udders - VO re hygiene. Title ‘Dairying Is An Industry - One of America’s Mightiest’. Steelworks - wheat farming - car manfacturing. More dairy farming scenes - CUs vars breeds of cow - farmhands on milking stools - VO re “large bovine population” of US - baby calf drinking mother’s milk - VO “milk is more easily digested than any other food”. 15:01:16 Optical of sportsman drinking milk superimposed over high shots of American football game. 15:01:30 Good generic shots of people on city streets caught in fierce gale & snowstorm - holding hats & struggling against wind. 15:01:45 Housewife picks up milk bottles left outside front door. Woman buying bottle of milk kept behind counter at grocery store. EXT & INT milk processing plant - sample taken - women testing samples in laboratory - more shots cleaning / sterilisation of equipment. Milk truck arrives at bottling plant at night - pasteurising process - more sparkling clean pipes & tanks. 15:03:25 Automated milk bottling production line montage - VO “fresh milk - nature’s greatest food”. Dairy Industry. Food Hygiene. Mass Production. Post-WWII USA; Severe Weather. Public Health & Safety. Nutrition. Promotional Films - NY; Propaganda; Industrial Films; Educational films; Oddities; Suburbia; Americana 1940s; Sterilization;