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Go to HomepageReel Number: 221719-05
Color: Black and White
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1949
Country: USA
TC Begins: 22:38:46
TC Ends: 22:48:45
Duration: 00:09:59
main title missing 22:38:50 Newspaper headline: Cooper Re-Elected. Earnest teenage boy Chuck & campaign manager for Mayor, who lost election, having discussion about propaganda & it’s role in the election - official says he’s been studying propaganda. Montage of shots depicting propaganda’s use inc. to create hatred PoW camp still, charity fundraising, war propaganda posters etc. 22:40:20 Official shows Chuck his list ‘Techniques of Propaganda’ inc. ‘Glittering Generalities’, ‘Name-Calling’ & ‘Band Wagon’ etc. Discuss techniques in relation to recent election. 22:40:47 “What is a glittering generality?” They discuss. Cooper plays record of opponent’s radio speech criticising Mayor Cooper - calls it “card stacking”. MCU recording in studio. 22:43:24 Campaign official puls down movie screen & shows Chuck 16mm ‘Snapshots From Our Town’ - housewife in kitchen complains she has too much to do looking after the men folks, then says she’ll vote for Mayor Cooper because he’s “one of us”; film cuts to montage of posters & busy street scenes w/ VO “the people want Mayor Cooper!”. 22:45:42 Discuss opponent’s campaign poster w/ slogan ‘A Real American’. Chuck advised to read up on subject - examples of Nazi, Communist & US Election propaganda - campaign manager suddenly turns to camera & says: “our study of propaganda is important to the world.” The End. Politics; Democracy; Psychology; Dialogue; Persuasion; Cold War; 1940s; 1949 Educational Film;