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Safety Begins At Home

Reel Number: 221217-02

Color: Black and White

Sound: SD

Year / Date: 1950s

Country: USA


TC Begins: 17:10:31

TC Ends: 17:20:07

Duration: 00:09:36

Safety Begins At Home Young America Films main title missing Young boy Bill walks thru woods w/ bundle of branches. CU moccasins on feet. VO says he has to be as careful walking across front lawn as Daniel Boone was in forest. Bill trips & falls on front lawn sending branches flying. 17:11:13 INT. Bill & sisters decorate living room of affluent family home for party “but not too busy to be careful”. Bill dumps branches on sofa; makes sure axe blade faces inwards when he puts it on coffee table, trims branches over protective table cover & is careful w/ knife because he knows it’s “just as dangerous as Daniel Boone’s hunting knife”. Bill shows safe way to set up ladder & put up decorations. VO “don’t you think the safe way is the exciting way?” Girls hold ladder. 17:13:47 Ladder carried down cellar stairs w/ last step helpfully painted white. Bill notices toolbox left on stairs as Jane skips down stairs. Girl’s face changes expression when Bill tells her there was almost an accident. 17:14:51 Dad arrives w/ parcels of crepe paper & electric lamps which are “much safer than candles with open flame” although narrative points out they can still “shock and burn”. Dad shows how to check electric wire for damage; how to plug it into wall socket & fix wire to baseboard so no one can trip over it. 17:16:34 Mother in kitchen prepares party food, watches Jane light oven w/ taper: “no danger of a gas explosion here”. Jane checks saucepan on stove taking care not to scald herself w/ hot steam. Cookies into oven “but not Jane’s hands!” Mother hangs up guest towels in bathroom, notice bottle marked ‘Poison’ in medicine cabinet & moves it to top shelf before checking her hair in mirror. 17:18:42 Family surveys their work before party, VO summarizes safety tips by questioning viewers about why they should be followed. 17:19:36 Kids’ party in progress - not many guests - play ‘pin the tail on the donkey’. VO “safety at home be? adventure, and it sure is fun”. Paranoia; Fear; Family Life; Nuclear Family; Housewife / Housewives; Health & Safety; Cooking; Sexism.

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