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Go to HomepageReel Number: 250103-01
Color: Black and White
Sound: SIL
Year / Date: 1991
Country: Kuwait,USA
TC Begins: 12:00:00
TC Ends: 12:10:35
Duration: 00:10:35
1991 Operation Desert Storm: Missile & Guided Bomb Explosions From Cockpit Video. 17-21Jan91 Armament crew loading bombs on fighter bombers; taking off. 12:00:41 Title: Desert Storm F-111F Cockpit Video 18-19Jan91 - Aircraft / SCUD Bunker. 12:00:52 Hit. 12:01:27 Title: Bunker. Large explosion. Several (at airport?). 12:02:21 Title: Bunker. View of bomb going in to bunker. 12:02:33 Title: Bunker. Two Large explosions. 12:03:05 Title: Bunker. Two large explosions (at airport?). 12:03:33 TItle: Bunker. Explosion 12:03:47 Title: Hanger. Explosion 12:03:57 Title: Bunker. Large explosion. 12:04:17 Title: Bunker - Missed Target / Hit small building. Large explosion. 12:04:40 Title: Bunker. No explosion 12:05:01 Tilte: SCUD / Ammunition Bunkers. Very large explosions. Missile or ?? into target, then explosion 12:05:56 Title: Desert Storm F-111F Cockpit Video 18-19Jan91. 12;06:04 Title: Runway. Target on runway, big explosion. 12:06:48 Title: A-10 Cockpit VIdeo, Maverick Missile 17Jan91. ???? 12:07:05 Title: Desert Storm F-117A Cockpit Video 20-21Jan91 - Ministry of Defense Headquarters. Target on building, large explosion. 12:07:35 Title: Tall King, Unid. Support Building. Large explosion. 12:07:53 Title: Aircraft Bunker. Diving in, large explosion. 12:08:15 Title: Chemical Biological Weapons Factory. Diving. small explosion. 12:08:45 Title: Biological Warfare Associated Plant (much better quality video). Firing into center of large building, explosion. 12:09:14 Title: Ammunition Bunker. Diving & explosion. 12:09:37 ?? talking to camera about regiment being tired etc but trained; group in camouflage uniforms. Loading C-130 airplane w/ equipment, packs etc to move towards border “if needed” for offensive operations. Plane taking off behind other troops. Persian Gulf War; Operation Desert Storm; NOTE: Desert Storm was 02Aug90 - 28Feb91.