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Go to HomepageReel Number: 221336-31
Color: Black and White
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1963
Country: Crete,Cyprus,Greece,Iran,Lebanon,Turkey,USA
Location: Middle East
TC Begins: 07:34:55
TC Ends: 07:45:53
Duration: 00:10:58
1963 - USA Vice President Visits Middle East: Pt. 1 of 2 Middle East archaeological sites & ruins. Tourists around base of columns; castles on hilltops. 07:35:42 Male students in chemical laboratory at college; studying medicine. Moslem woman in jilbab listening to woman doctor in western dress. 07:36:11 Donkeys on road w/ large bags of ??, moved aside for truck. POV from car up road past stone walls w/ houses & bushes. Modern concrete bridge; view of town from hilltop. Oxen team pulling plow; men plowing w/ tractor on large field. Men working on hillside, digging w/ pick & shovel. Large dam under construction in deep canyon. Welding & working on power lines. 07:38:00 Vice President Lyndon B. Johnson standing in back of open car waving to people along street. LBJ at microphone speaking (SOF) about “bonds of free people”. VO as shots of him shaking hands. 07:39:03 Official plane taxiing to camera; out of plane in Lebanon w/ Lady Bird & others. Greeted by Foreign Minister Philippe Takla. 07:39:44 Iran w/ Shah & Prime Minister; President of Turkey & Foreign Ministers. Cyprus President Makarios & Vice President. King Paul & Queen Frederica in Greece & Prime Minister. Meetings around tables. LBJ talks about having come “to the well-springs of civilization.” Shots of ruins & tourists. Parthenon. 07:41:00 New elementary school on island of Crete w/ young boys & girls applauding. Walking w/ large group. Meeting in school w/ class reciting & teacher at blackboard. College students in botanical garden. 07:41:43 Students studying in libraries. CU tape recorder demonstrating use in language study. Walking w/ VIPs & inspecting technology in Lebanon. Chemist working. 07:42:43 Turkey, heavy equipment maintenance school w/ Americans & Turkish instructing together. LBJ in Ankara at Turkish Literacy Center which is studying the number of words actually used in common speech. The basic words were used w/ pictures for teaching reading & writing. Soldiers reciting. Student writing Happy Birthday Mr. Johnson on blackboard. 07:44:36 Shaking hands outdoors w/ students & young people. Shown packaging of produce & advancements. Canning factory w/ men & women working. VO of LBJ. Young Iranian engineer & his spindle manufacturing plant. Large textile mill working. Diplomacy; 1960s; NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: