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Go to HomepageReel Number: 221402-03
Color: Colour
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1973
Country: Iran
TC Begins: 02:27:11
TC Ends: 02:40:43
Duration: 00:13:32
Iran Pt. 2 of 2 Continued... Poor families w/ goats in shade beside brick wall; woman milking goat; people walking, burro w/ bas. Jeep arrives in isolated town w/ doctor. Int. women in hajib-like colorful patterned shawls w/ children waiting; doctor & nurse. CU children. Doctor talking to male patient & checking w/ stethoscope. 02:29:04 MCU Reza Shah Pahlavi talking about education growth, having exceeded expectations. 02:29:41 College age women in scarfs & sparkly clothes reciting in class, theatrical. Walking along street (future teachers) & boarding bus. Classroom of boys & girls. Pan over dry farmland; water, canal & ditches seen from car. 02:31:26 Cotton in agriculture experiment station. Sunflowers in field irrigated. Grain combine & harvesting. Boys picking crop; tractor cultivating. Trees of windbreak. 02:32:28 MCU of military martial arts class. Uniformed troops w/ rifles & bayonets drilling on parade ground while shouting. Formal marching & review (VO as deterrent to Iraq & Russia). 02:34:00 Shah: “Seeing the impotence of the United Nations, & bearing in mind that the great powers would be foolish to make war among themselves since that would be the end of the world, we need to be a stable & powerful state with which the little Don Quixotes dare not mettle.” 02:34:33 Navy river boats patrolling; destroyers delivered & crew training w/ guns & ammunition. Firing ships guns, mines. Shah: “We either have an independent, modern & progressive Iran, or we have nothing. That’s why we think things are going well for us...” 02:35:56 American provided Phantoms & F-5 Freedoms, fighter jets on flight line of large military airport. Pilots in class or briefing, map on wall w/ countries marked. Large bomb loaded onto plane & fuse put on it. Pilots run out & into truck; to planes & closing cockpits, taxiing & taking off. Formation flyover. 02:38:38 Oil refinery seen from ship on water. Map w/ oil shipping routes. 02:39:05 Shah: “Our oil policy is a very independent & aggressive one; we want to do everything we can to bring its benefits to the people of our country, to establish industries in the interior of Iran using the by-products of oil...we don’t have Iraq’s problems. Shots of refinery, pipelines. Guard w/ rifle next to storage tank. Propaganda; Middle East; Travelogue; Educational Film;