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Go to HomepageReel Number: 221550-18
Color: Black and White
Sound: SIL
Year / Date: 1938,1930s
Country: Canada,England,Israel,Palestine,United Kingdom
Location: Attil,Qaqun,Sahnin,Tukarm
TC Begins: 18:27:53
TC Ends: 18:36:18
Duration: 00:08:25
NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: 1938 - Palestine: Royal West Kent Regiment, Sahnin & Qaqun Villages, Palestine, Mar38 Two Arab police stop truck to make up convoy for evening traffic. Army truck past w/ mounted gun in back; car parked waiting. British (?) soldiers out of base in camouflaged vehicle, trucks past. POV from truck n convoy along road from Haifa to Tel Aviv. View of military driver. 18:28:44 Camels & woman or boy on burro along road. 18:28:51 POV w/ military officer driving, turning off road. View of military vehicles on eroded road, in village, driving across field. Arab giving directions in field; British officer & men by vehicle w/ Sahnin village on hill. 18:29:54 Villagers w/ loaded donkeys walk in field past parked army trucks; back onto dirt road. Soldiers unload donkeys from truck. Soldiers standing by trucks, eating & drinking. Load bombs on donkey. Officer looking at map & pointing route. Soldiers back in truck. 18:31:36 Men digging entrance ramp & trucks up. Arab plowing w/ two oxen & wooden plow. Soldiers watch from vehicles in field. 18:32:34 LS of Qaqun Village (?) on rocky hill. 18:32:55 Soldiers w/ rifles march along dirt road toward village. Group of soldiers looking. 18:33:28 Greek priest, Arab VIPs & Major Travers talking on hillside w/ soldiers. MCUs. 18:33:59 Soldiers into Arab village. Soldier searches Arab on hillside. 18:34:25 Soldiers in vehicles past village on hill. 18:34:39 Soldiers run & set up mortar in front of village house. 18:34:56 Arab men sitting outside house making tea (Tulkarm ?). Soldiers sitting in ruins of adjacent house. Arab serving young soldiers tea. 18:34:27 Soldiers signaling standing in front of trucks. 18:35:32 LS village women walking w/ jugs on heads toward village. 18:35:45 Soldiers filling water cups from bucket; standing drinking. 18:36:03 Soldier signaling w/ mirror / heliograph 18:36:09 Troops returning across valley floor; trucks down rutted road (brief). British Mandate Occupation; 1938; Near East; Military; 1930s; NOTE: Sold at per reel rate. NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: