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1938 - Palestine, Zionism; Women’s Hostel; Beth Hachalutzoth; Tel Aviv Scenes

Reel Number: 221732-07

Color: Black and White

Sound: SIL

Year / Date: 1938

Country: Israel,Palestine

Location: Jaffa,Lydda Junction,Tel Aviv

TC Begins: 23:54:53

TC Ends: 24:03:37

Duration: 00:08:44

1938 - Palestine, Zionism. Beth Hachalutzoth; Tel Aviv Scenes Working Girls Hostel, women read magazines at tables & talk, smiling. LS & MCU. 23:55:13 EXT LS of building across plants at entrance garden; several women in / out. 23:55:23 Hand weaving, women at looms. 23:55:43 Woman weaving cane or leather as chair seats. CU Sign on door, "Beth Hachalutzoth" (built in 1936) over-exposed. 23:55:59 INT, Tel Aviv bank, immigrants receive loans, people applying for loans, receiving money. 23:56:47 POV along street, pedestrians on wide sidewalk, bicycles. 23:56:50 EXT, street, laborers gathered outside main entrance of Labor headquarters building, Tel Aviv, where registration and distribution of work to all laborers gets processed. 23:57:16 Street construction for housing project / cooperative in south Tel Aviv, man breaking rocks. (land provided by the Jewish National Fund). Children cross street wait for passing water wagon. 23:57:40 CU Sign on street giving house block number. LS of housing block. 23:58:00 EXT high angle cooperative houses for working men. Family hoeing front garden; others on porch. CUs of family eating 23:58:37 Gardening at Ayanoth, agricultural training farm for girls, 20 minutes from Tel Aviv. Girls planting potatoes, CUs, pan of girls. Girls coming out of tool shed to work. 23:59:23 Tel Aviv metal fence & street scenes w/ men gathered outside building, shops, pedestrians, street scene, cars, white modern building, people loading truck, men pushing cart of sacks in front of low warehouse. 00:00:12 The Jaffa-Tel Aviv street boundary line: one shot from Jaffa side, one shot from Tel Aviv side. 00:00:33 Arab selling bananas. 00:00:47 High angle shot of Tel Aviv street scenes. Men at kiosk reading Labor daily paper "Davar," newspaper vendor. 00:01:12 Printing Hebrew books at Labor press. 00:01:20 Boundary sign between Tel Aviv & Jaffa, road roundabout; cars to right towards Tel Aviv, or straight for Jaffa. 00:01:40 High angle view along Allenby street in Tel Aviv. 00:01:55 Lydda Junction railway sign (Lydda (Lod, Lud) is the main railway junction in Palestine. Trains go to Egypt, Beirut, and Damascus. ) 00:02:07 Man watching freight train leaving yard. Lydda railroad station platform, freight train moving past. 00:02:44 POV thru main business section of Tel Aviv, kids on bicycles watching. 00:03:00 EXT. Labor headquarters. 00:03:15 Men on scaffolding pouring, tamping & working concrete. Zionism; Construction; Palestine Daily Life; 1930s; Middle East Daily Life;

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