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Go to HomepageReel Number: 221547-19
Color: Black and White
Sound: SIL and SD
Year / Date: 1948
Country: Israel,Lebanon
Location: Beirut,Tel Aviv
TC Begins: 13:49:15
TC Ends: 13:53:22
Duration: 00:04:07
1948, United Nations Mediators Folke Bernadotte & Bunche Arrival ?? Si. Two-engine United Nations Dakota plane arrives w/ markings on side. Folke Bernadotte off followed by Ralph Bunche. CU Bernadotte, greeted by ?? Pilots, handshaking. KLM pilot w/ Hotel Zion briefcase. Into terminal building. 13:50:15 Si. Bernadotte, Bunche & ? seated at table for press conference w/ reporters; man at large open reel tape recorder. 13:50:33 Si. Standing, shaking hands w/ KLM pilot. 13:50:38 Sd. Bernadotte lighting cigarette while chit-chatting. 13:50:51 Sd. Reporter SOF: Is it your opinion that a full scale war has started again in Palestine after the end of the armistice? 13:50:58 Sd. Bernadotte SOF: I’m happy to say that I haven’t gotten a report...I wouldn’t say there is a full-scale war going on in Palestine today. 13:51:10 Sd. Reporter: Have you still hope that there will be a solution of the problem... 13:51:18 Sd. Bernadotte: Well I know my mission is not ended now, I’m glad to have noticed that both parties, both the Arabs & Jews have told me that they hope I will continue my mission as mediator for Palestine; and this is now a set back, we had success in the goes up & down...I am still hopeful. 13:52:06 Sd. Reporter: Are you concerned that the work the Dutch crew of the KLM plane did? Bernadotte: ...without the help from KLM, and w/o the help of the wonderful crew that we had at our disposal I would not have been able to go around to different places in Palestine as I did w/o my traveling in your plane I couldn’t have fulfilled my mission to try to get a truce in Palestine. And I know I speak in the name of the Secretary General & the whole organization of the United Nations... Note: Bernadotte appointed mediator 20May48, 30Jun48 arranged 30 day cease-fire, assassinated 18Sep48.