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1956 - Full-Scale War Looms In Middle East (Apr56)

Reel Number: 220808-17

Color: Black and White

Sound: SD

Year / Date: 1956

Country: Egypt,Israel,Palestine

Location: Gaza Strip,Middle East,Negev Desert

TC Begins: 13:22:14

TC Ends: 13:23:37

Duration: 00:01:23

Full-Scale War Looms In Middle East Mid-east war looms on Gaza Strip / Negev Desert. 13:22:18 United Nations military convoy stopped along road; truck wreckage smoking inspected on border area after fighting. Bullet holes circled w/ chalk, holes in windshield glass. Officers looking at bodies. Weapons inspected, shells / ammunition. 13:22:55 MCU soldiers. MCU looking at sabotaged Beersheba - Tel-Aviv railroad line w/ tracks cut; notes taken for United Nations Truce Commission. 13:23:12 United Nations plane arrives, UN Secretary General Dag Hammarskjold down stairs, shakes hands, walks (Ralph Bunche barely visible) surrounded by journalists at airport. Talking w/ ??. Soldiers carry dead body on stretcher. Israel; Egypt; Palestine; Apr56; 1956; NOTE: Pre-Suez Crisis.

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