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1956 - United Nations Security Council Responding To Anglo-French Attack on Egypt

Reel Number: 221680-08

Color: Black and White

Sound: SIL and SD

Year / Date: 1956

Country: Egypt,England,France,Israel,United Kingdom,Yugoslavia

Location: Middle East,New York City,NYC,Sinai,Suez,United Nations

TC Begins: 18:29:53

TC Ends: 18:36:44

Duration: 00:06:51

1956 - United Nations Security Council Responding To Anglo-French Attack on Egypt 18:30:00 Si. Pan United Nations Security Council voting by show of hands 18:30:30 Sd begins (French). Australian delegate speaking in English of deterioration in situation & ignoring Security Council decisions re “...struggle between Israel & her neighbors.” Again voting, “...draft resolution adopted...” 18:31:45 Sd. CU Dag Hammarskjold says aim of Charter must be taken into account by Secretary General to determine what is right & wrong. 18:32:31 Sd. Yugoslavia talking about Suez bombing by England & France. “For the second time in 24 hours the Security Council is faced w/ a clear-cut case of aggression. The two act so aggression have been so synchronized...what is taking place is a joint aggression of Israel, France & Great Britain against Egypt. The motives of the Anglo-French attack on Egypt are clear...” “The Anglo-French aggression has placed the United Nations before the most serious crisis it yet has to face. The consequences of this attack on peace & security of the world are incalculable.” 18:33:58 Sd. “This morning the President of Yugoslavia...” Tito statement. 18:34:55 Sd. France delegate speaks in French re gravity of the situation etc. 18:36:02 Sd. ?? speaking in English re calling for emergency meeting of the General Assembly of UN. Reads his formal proposal calling for meeting interrupted. International Politics;

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