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1978 - President Carter, Camp David Treaty Signing w/ Sadat & Begin. 17Sep78.

Reel Number: 250057-06

Color: Colour

Sound: SD

Year / Date: 1978,1970s

Country: Egypt,Israel,USA

Location: DC,Washington

TC Begins: 16:53:17

TC Ends: 17:13:49

Duration: 00:20:32

1978 - President Carter, Camp David Treaty Signing w/ Sadat & Begin. 17Sep78. Table set up on riser w/ US, Egyptian & Israeli flags behind, Presidents & Prime Minister announced & stand acknowledging applause, sit w/ President Carter between. 16:54:36 Carter speaks: “When we first arrived at Camp David, the first thing upon which we agreed was to ask the people of the world to pray.....have been answered far beyond any expectations... 16:56:34 “One of the agreements that President Sadat and Prime Minister Begin are signing tonight is entitled: A Framework for Peace in the Middle East.” applause... 16:57:32 ...proposes a five year transition period in the West Bank & Gaza during which... 16:58:21 “These negotiations will be based on...Resolution 242... 16:59:15 “The other document is entitled ‘Framework for the Conclusion of a Peace Treaty between Egypt & Israel’... 17:03:12 Sadat reads statement: “Dear President Carter. In this historic moment, I would like to express to you....you made a commitment to be a full partner in the peace process....The signing of the framework...has a significance far beyond the event....to reaffirm the fate of the Palestinian people in the ideal of peace....let’s all join in a prayer... applause. 17:07:17 Begin speaking w/o notes: “...The Camp David conference should be renamed. It was the Jimmy Carter conference.... More difficult to show civil courage then military courage...I think he worked harder than our forefathers did in Egypt, building the Pyramids... Thank you.” Begin hugs Carter, Sadat. 17:10:00 Signing w/ Carter explaining that texts will be released tomorrow; all signing three documents. 17:11:40 Carter explains first document allowing Israel to negotiate further w/ others in Middle East. Also explains the second document relating to framework for peace treaty...includes almost all issues... 17:13:?? Signing. NOTE: Complete event covered but not transcribed above; NOTE: Conclusion of signing on 250058-05.Clients should see full text on internet or listen to preview for full contents. Any continuous ten minutes sold at per reel rate. NOTE: Signing of Final Peace Treaty, 26Mar79 on 250058-06. NOTE: Sold at per reel rate. NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: www.footagefarm.co.uk or contact us at: Info@Footagefarm.co.uk

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