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Go to HomepageReel Number: 221550-20
Color: Black and White
Sound: SIL
Year / Date: 1945,1940s
Country: Jordan,Palestine
Location: Amman,Middle East
TC Begins: 18:46:34
TC Ends: 18:55:25
Duration: 00:08:51
Arab Legion Training Camp & British Officer, Head of Training, ca 1945 Men on firing range lying down, practicing shooting rifles. Others standing behind; military vehicles in background. MCU firing, reloading rifle. 18:47:42 British officer in Arab headgear talking to Bedouin soldiers. CUs. 18:47:51 Bedouin soldier radioing message from truck transmitter. 18:48:03 Light tank maneuvering; other tanks. Two long rows; men run & climb aboard, drive out. 18:49:36 MCU Colonel Fallon, camp commander, giving orders to Bedouin. Bedouins in front of tanks; turn & climb aboard. 18:50:13 Road & tanks passed. Arab family w/ camel walking along road. Tanks & trucks past. 18:51:53 Arab Legion’s Infantry in full uniform w/ rifles w/ marching band leading along road. LS on road. 18:53:25 Arab sign. Troops marching thru entrance gates into headquarters. 18:53:45 Int. Army Legion HQ. Commanding officer’s office w/ name above door. CU sign. Sheik Dahir Diab Alfaiz, Chieftain of Beni Sakhar enters office; MS of Alfaiz & unid. British officer. CU Sheik. 18:54:19 MS J.B. Glubb Pasha at desk; his assistant Colonel R. Broadhurst comes in & they talk. MCU. 18:55:00 Glubb Pasha & Broadhurst down building steps & Glubb Pasha into car. British Mandate; Arabs; Palestine; Military; 1945ca; Near East; 1940s; Midd;e East; NOTE: Glubb Pasha formed the Desert Patrol in ca 1931.