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Go to HomepageReel Number: 221531-06
Color: Black and White
Sound: SIL
Year / Date: 1957
Country: Egypt,Israel
TC Begins: 10:14:52
TC Ends: 10:17:38
Duration: 00:02:46
Egypt & UN Soldiers, ca 08Mar57; Israel & Pipeline Construction Title: Egypt. Railroad flat car loaded w/ cheering men waving. Freight cars w/ men standing on top & on ground w/ Egyptian flags cheering military General, soldiers. 10:15:17 Laborers unloading large burlap bags of grain off freight cars onto truck. 10:15:28 Soldier in field w/ radio, camel kneeling loaded w/ boxes. Arabs tying load on pack camel. UN soldiers looking at maps. UN soldiers w/ field packs along road, jeep, Arabs & camels w/ loads along road. NOTE: Probably at time of Israel pullout of Gaza & Sharm-el-Sheik, ca 08Mar57. 10:16:01 Title: Israel. Pan of oil storage tanks & small equipment in front of desert hills. 10:16:08 Pipeline running into lake or sea. Men welding pipeline & pipe line along ditch. Men constructing wooden barracks or buildings & carrying mattresses. Fitting windows, nailing; carry bed frame. 10:16:36 European men, women & children assisted from bus & into housing. 10:16:51 Two men w/ guns patrolling, tower & fence. 10:16:59 View from top of cliff of valley. Pan w/ truck load of pipe sections for pipeline along desert road. Men w/ jack hammers & digging for pipeline; crane placing pipeline into trench, bulldozer filling. View across desert to Dead Sea or coastal bay. Men building large pipe valves & storage tank behind. Immigration; Settlements; 1950s; NOTE: Probably water pipeline.