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Go to HomepageReel Number: 221743-24
Color: Black and White
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1940
Country: Italy,Palestine
Location: Middle East
TC Begins: 22:25:04
TC Ends: 22:28:25
Duration: 00:03:21
WWII - 1940: Italy Bombs Haifa, Jul40 Montage: Mechanics work on plane engine, pan planes, load bombs, machine gun ammunition, motors start, bombers in air, tri-motor planes take off, in air, aerial of bombs exploding in harbor off Haifa; over land. 22:26:49 Haifa w/ large black cloud rising from burning oil storage tanks. 22:27:06 Machine gunner in airplane door (brief). Smoke from petroleum fire. 22:27:15 Machine gunner, planes, view of refinery, smoke, planes, views of city. Smoke rising. (edit) 22:27:53 View above ruins of crusader castle or ?? w/ wall & columns on rock plateau. Italian airplanes, pilots, explosions in water of harbor, bombs dropping, petroleum smoke, some flak rising. WW2; Middle East; Palestine; British Mandate;