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Go to HomepageReel Number: 220452-06
Color: Black and White
Sound: SIL
Year / Date: 1920s
Country: USA
TC Begins: 22:34:48
TC Ends: 22:38:30
Duration: 00:03:42
1920s - Manufacturing, USA: Wire, Women & Men Working CU Woman worker smiles & winds & removes spools of wire, hands wire to another next to her. MLS In workshop, woman w/ lengths of wire stretched out as man winds & attach to ?? 22:35:39 Women in white wearing safety caps smooth it. 22:35:56 Cat & kittens climb / play in spools of wire. 22:36:40 MCU Woman spools wire onto core w/ machine; removes & gives to another 22:36:59 MCU Seated man plays violin w/ music stands & sheet music behind. 22:37:15 CU 48-star US flag blowing / flapping in wind. Oddities; Concert Violinist; Factory Workers; Musician; Patriotic; Patriotism Symbols; NOTE: If requested will provide 22:31:48 - 22:45:01 (4 cards) at per reel rate.