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Go to HomepageReel Number: 221726-04
Color: Black and White
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1934,1930s
Country: France,USA
Location: Chicago,Illinois
TC Begins: 11:26:02
TC Ends: 11:29:21
Duration: 00:03:19
NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: 1934 - Fairs & Expositions: Chicago Century of Progress International Exposition View down wide concourse / avenue w/ flags; high angle crowd walking, people pushed in strollers by attendants on boardwalk. 11:26:24 Ticket booth outside French building. Int. street w/ sketch artist in beret & people speaking French; group marching lead by guitar player thru street. Sign: Send me a hat from Paris. 11:26:44 Moorish / Arab looking building, crowd past. Drummer, man w/ flute & onlookers watching dancers in veils twisting on platform. 11:27:03 Men on logs in pool log-rolling, one into water. 11:27:06 Crowd outside exhibit w/ very large cyclarama, The Funnies over entrance w/ clown laughing & barker beckoning crowd. 11:27:25 MS Group of Black minstrels in black-face dancing, laughing & rolling eyes w/ musicians. 11:27:38 MS Sign: Alive, Bozo, Alive & large covered ride w/ dragon rotating. 11:27:44 Large Black man w/ fire sticks & Seminole Indian (?) in front of thatched hut. 11:27:48 Animatronics dinosaur; animatronics bear w/ kids touching. 11:27:57 Night w/ lighted buildings, streets, cars moving. GM building & lighted clouds. Fireworks exploding. 11:28:19 View down avenue w/ flags. 11:28:22 Naked blond woman in high heels running around night club tables (very brief); Sally Rand? sitting in dressing room reading letters & looking at press clippings. 11:28:33 Walking down courthouse steps w/ reporters, lawyer & ??. 11:28:37 Judges sitting at desks. Sign Commissariat de Police au 1er Etage; blonde down steps & past. 11:28:55 Pedestrians on avenue w/ flags. 11:29:07 Slug 11:29:09 Belly dancers in veils w/ barker etc. as above. 11:29:14 Woman in fur coat into car, blond (Sally Rand?) follows & helped w/ luggage leaving Paris railroad station. 1934 World’s Fair; NOTE: cuts are brief but some usable in context w/ others. NOTE: Partial or entire sold at per reel rate. NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: